The true story of how I “accidentally” got into meteorology
My 1979 self wanted my 2018 self to know something important
The true and not-so-glamorous way I got into broadcasting
The thrills and agonies of being public person
It’s another story from my small-town radio days, and probably the most memorable
What it feels like when the interviewer becomes the interviewee
Sometimes we had to get a little crazy, and totally unsophisticated, to get a news story on the air.
Thank heaven YouTube didn’t exist back in the late 70s.
The night I did an entire TV newscast without a single piece of video.
What happens when someone claims your workplace is haunted?
As I celebrate 20 years at The Weather Channel, I look back on some of my peresonal memories.
Job loss threatens one’s dignity, one’s emotions, and is hard on families, but it can also be a teacher.
How real fame has eluded me and why I’m probably a better person for it.
Does God speak to us personally?
But it doesn’t mean sitting on my tail.
I couldn’t bring myself to cut my hair, and that may have charted the course of my life.
Morning TV news shows are all created by the chronically sleep-deprived.
What I learned from my first job lasted me a lifetime.
Some of my most embarrassing moments in TV
Remember: TV isn’t real
The day I accidentally frightened the future King of England.