Based in the Pacific northwest, Nick walker is a meteorologist, voice- over professional, musician and writer. 

These are his stories, memories and opinions. 

Guest Blog: Life Lessons from a Friend

Guest Blog: Life Lessons from a Friend

A guest blog from a very wise Facebook friend

One thing I like about social media is that you can learn from so many people, even if they are not physically in your life. Recently a Facebook friend whom I have not seen in years shared a post on her page on the occasion of her 58th birthday. This is part of her list of what she has gleaned from life thus far. I think there is value in every point she makes. See if you agree. And be sure to check out her wonderful art at Artworks by TK

Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far:

Life does not work out exactly as planned, but it can still be beautiful.
Every person is worthy of love.
Loneliness will not kill you. 
Doing your research will keep you out of trouble (or embarrassment).
Losing money (even a LOT of money) will not kill you.
Gratefulness and thanksgiving can change your entire life.
Complaining will only make you feel worse and won't help the situation one bit.
Just because people have different ideas than you doesn't make them your enemies. And you might learn something by listening to them.
It's okay to agree with someone you don't like very much.
Gossip is never good.
Waiting for the right person in your life is worth every minute. 
A kind answer, even if you don't feel like the person deserves it, will often diffuse an unpleasant situation.
You can start a new career at age 50. Or older.
You are what you think – so choose your thoughts well.
Music from the 1970's is the best music EVER. 
Your relationship with your husband/wife should be the priority, and the relationships with your children will fall in line. And they will feel more secure.
Making people laugh will change their day.
When you have an issue with someone, prayer is your first resort, not your last. 
You will lose friendships along the way, but that does not mean they were not valuable in their time.
God has to have a sense of humor because he made dogs.
Trying to control another person or a situation will only bring you strife and heartache.
We are only afraid of those things or people we do not know.
As a mom, you have God-given instincts. Use them.
Where there is life, there is hope.
You have to create your own adventures.
Sometimes you just have to say, "It is what it is," even if you hate that phrase.
Having a sense of humor will get you through a great many hard times or difficult discussions.
Moving your body is more fun than not moving your body. Get out and move your body.
There will always be racists, bigots, and hateful people, but don’t let them victimize you.
It is still okay for a man to open the door for a woman, and when he does, it does not negate that woman’s independence.
You can fulfill your dreams even when you are no longer young.
The original Star Trek is still hip. And campy. Very campy. 
Even though it doesn't seem like God is there amid your heartache, He is, and He grieves with you.
Your body, mind, soul, and spirit are all interconnected and affect one another.
You don't have to tell everyone everything you are thinking.
Your children will not learn how to act in public on their own; you have to teach them.
Losing a relationship can often be a blessing.
Kind words heal. 
Corn dogs have to be some of the best food created. And, it's just fun to say the name: Corn dogs. Corn dogs.
You should rule your emotions, and not the other way around.
Dogs will do what you teach them.
Cats will know what you want to teach them and just think, "Yeah, right."
It is okay for your kids to be bored.
Giving to others is a beautiful blessing and will get you out of your "selfie" mode.
It's okay to disagree with the masses.
The things that make you angry are the things that control you.
God gives extra grace to moms with young children.
Forgiving others frees both the forgiver and the forgivee.
"Radar Love" is the BEST driving song.
Being offended affects you more than it affects the other person, so don’t be offended.
All parents think that they are bad parents at least sometime in their child-raising career.
Not everyone will like you, and that's really okay.
Your problems are never too big for God.

T.K. Goforth
March, 2018
Artworks by TK

Which of these hit home to you? Would you add anything to her list? Please scroll down and comment below.

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